I celebrate my Lord's Resurrection by taking joy in all signs of new life--including, but not limited to bunnies and eggs. At Christmas I'm not prejudiced against Santa either. A saint who modeled generosity--what's not to like? I figure as a follower of Jesus I have the most to celebrate on Christian holidays and I delight in all the Christmas and Easter trimmings. As Mom used to say, I take it big. This spring, one of my favorite craft sites www.craftsy.com is offering a free pattern for a tangram quilt block of an Easter bunny. . . . Nicolas Debon, artist for my first mathematical adventure The Warlord's Puzzle, showed the seven pieces of the tangram forming this very bunny in one of the book's illustrations. Now we can combine an Easter motif with a hands-on informal geometry experience!
Take it big. Christ is risen. He is risen indeed.
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